A Short Introduction


Me :P

Welcome to my first official blog post! My name is Paige and I am your random scatter brained girl. I have many different things going on in my mind right now, so lets keep it short. 

     Just a few things about me to start off: I am a freshmen in college, I have traveled abroad a few times, I love my friends and family, I favor my dog the most out of my family, coffee is in my bloodstream, and I have no idea what I am doing with my life. 

    I have much to say, but let us start off simple. I want to use this platform as a diary of sorts, but not in a weird "OMG Johnny kissed me under the bridge today!" kind of diary. I see this as an outlet to let off some steam or tell stories my roommate probably gets sick of hearing. 

    I also could give weird older sister advice for the girls who never had sisters like me. I want to also share my viewpoints on things, what it is like to be in a long-distance relationship, or maybe just how I live my life. 

    I don't know how far this blog will go or if this is the right direction to go, but nonetheless I am excited. Here's to the new ideas and new beginnings. 


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